Lynn Maranan, Founder of Eve´s and Co.

"It was ridiculous spending so much money on candles. So I started learning how to make them my own using YouTube as my teacher."

Lynn Maranan, the founder of Eve’s & Co., always had a persistent feeling that there was something more to life than just the typical nine-to-five routine. She realized that she felt more fulfilled when she was creative, whether it was baking, cooking, or painting. Whatever she felt she was good at, she stuck with it. Eventually, Lynn discovered her love for candle making through her admiration for candles and their aesthetics. Every time she would go to a store, she would pick up a candle, smell it, and end up buying a lot of them. This was around 10 years ago, and it started her journey in the health, beauty, and wellness space. 

Lynn, what gave you the initial itch to start your own candle business? 

The first inkling occurred when I wasn’t feeling my best. Something felt off, though I couldn’t pinpoint it. Despite appearing healthy and maintaining a proper routine, I sensed a discomfort I couldn’t quite identify. So in an attempt to feel better, I embarked on a journey of self-education via Google, immersing myself in health and wellness topics, discovering that much of how we feel is influenced by our environment. I researched everything there was about how to minimize the impact on my environment, possible triggers, and choosing a healthier lifestyle. I went pretty extreme and even removed plastics in my household and learned about toxins that were in my food, in my haircare, in my makeup, and in all these candles I brought home. The revelation was shocking for me because I loved using them, but I didn’t realize the extent of their toxicity and that they can cause ailments such as respiratory issues, hormonal disruption, and serious diseases for both men and women. I later discovered that one of the companies I used to buy candles from publicly disclosed that their products contain ingredients that can cause these ailments. This was really disappointing, and after learning this I decided to stick to my new routine and remove all the unsafe candles in my house. I tried using air fresheners as a replacement, but they didn’t have the same effect. I missed using candles because they had always helped me to relax and set the mood. I then invested in healthier candles which can be expensive so I had to cut back after a few purchases due to the unsustainable cost. Following this, I decided to learn how to make my own candles by watching tutorial videos on YouTube.

Photo Credit: Natalie Zmeu, NatVisual

"Quitting my job for a risky venture isn’t feasible right now, so my decisions need to be cautious and strategic."

How long did it take you to find the right recipe to create the perfect healthy candle? 

It took nearly a year of research and experimenting to find the right ingredients to create the right recipe, find the right wicks and even to the candle container. Once we found the perfect ingredients and materials to make the candle, extensive testing was carried out to achieve the ideal final product.

When did you go public with first candle for sale? 

I think it was June 2022, and I was feeling anxious about it. The opportunity was in Redding, CA, the annual Health Expo, which I learned about from my family who live in the area, about three hours away from where I live in the Bay area. I was uncertain and nervous about whether to participate in the event, and upon the recommendation of my husband, best friend, and local family members, I decided to participate to showcase my clean burning and non-toxic candles. Following their advice we set up a small modest booth to showcase my products.

However, I felt a bit apprehensive as this marked my first venture into a popup shop, and the prospect of selling products in a public setting was entirely new to me. Uncertain what to expect at the Health Expo, to my suprise sales were a success. With an inventory of around 140 candles, I managed to sell over 85 candles at the event, and my family and friends also purchased a significant amount of my remaining stock, leaving me with approximately 20 candles when I returned home.

After the trade show, how long did it take for you to officially launch your brand to the public? How did you handle production, distribution and other behind-the-scenes work?

It took approximately 6-9 months to officially launch publicly. Despite fluctuations in sales, the downtime allowed for building up inventory and dedicated focus on the end-to-end process, such as improvements to packaging, labels, curating new scents, etc.

Photo Credit: Natalie Zmeu, NatVisual

"I have no investors and I’m financing everything myself, so I must be mindful of my expenses. 

The money has to come in from somewhere. "

Photo Credit: Ron Fernandez, RF Photography

Sometime after the trade show, I had a conversation with a friend who owns a restaurant and she wanted to order candles for herself and for use at her business. A patron from her restaurant expressed interest in purchasing my candles, and I was thrilled to fulfill the order. This event is what motivated me to elevate my business approach. Up until then, I had been selling candles in simple jars without any labels, logos or branding. This prompted me to quickly figure out a more professional labeling and packaging strategy.

The inspiration behind the name ‘Eve’s and Co.’ is deeply personal and rooted in the profound influence of my late mother. We shared a passion for healthy and clean living, in what we consumed, and things we used at home – candles were one of our favorites. Despite not being very design-savvy, I dedicated countless hours to creating a label for my new brand. With self-funding as my financial source, I was adamant about not burdening my customers with extra costs, so I took the initiative to learn how to produce a simple label at home using my printer and mastered the art of packaging the candles with care.

One day, I met someone through a mutual friend who owned a product development company. He showed a lot of interest in my candles and offered assistance in getting them featured in prominent retail spaces. The magnitude of the offer left me feeling overwhelmed. It’s not that I wasn’t open to taking such a significant leap, I didn’t feel adequately prepared for it at that moment. Instead to prepare myself for such an opportunity, I opted to launch my Etsy store in late fall 2021. This decision allowed me to gain valuable insights into online selling, distribution, customer service, and more, all while managing my full-time job.

Running a business alongside a full-time job demands a significant time commitment. I’m personally funding everything, necessitating careful consideration of expenses. Quitting my job for a risky venture isn’t feasible right now, so my decisions need to be cautious and strategic. Therefore, I must approach decisions cautiously and strategically. Lately, I’ve been evaluating the trajectory of my sales and its implications for my business. I’ve already upgraded equipment and expanded my home workspace to increase candle production. It has now reached a point where two rooms in my house are dedicated to candle-making, and I’m constantly restocking inventory. While I’m still open to the idea of entering retail stores, it would require significant changes to my candle-making process.

Photo Credit: Ron Fernandez, RF Photography

Photo Credit: Ron Fernandez, RF Photography

Photo Credit: Ron Fernandez, RF Photography

See Also

You mentioned Etsy before. How did Etsy work out for you and how did you use that platform to drive your sales numbers? Did you have good sales? 

I launched my store on Etsy after months of learning. Generating sales on Etsy can be quite challenging. Despite experimenting with various campaign strategies, although I managed to increase visibility, the conversion rate didn’t meet my expectations. My sales tend to thrive more at Pop-Ups, Trade Shows, and among local clientele. Engaging with customers in person enables me to establish a personal connection, educate them about my brand, and introduce them to my recently launched online store,, which debuted in late 2023. 

Let’s talk about your production. How are you choosing the right fragrances for your candles? 

My philosophy is to prioritize non-toxic and sustainable practices in the creation of our products. In the context of non-toxic offerings, I do the research necessary to carefully select the fragrances and materials, steering clear of materials that contain harmful ingredients and aren’t environmentally friendly. I believe embracing a healthy lifestyle extends beyond dietary choices to the environment you inhabit. Therefore, the candles are carefully and thoughtfully crafted using non-toxic ingredients, ensuring that the atmosphere they create is not only luxurious but also safe for you and your living space.

When I choose fragrances for my candles, I make sure to select only those that do not contain ingredients that contribute to respiratory issues and hormonal disruption. I ensure I research the information made available from the Vendor before I make any purchases. For example, respiratory issues and hormonal disruption are considered safety hazards as the material may have carcinogens and other toxic ingredients. However, these specifics are not always mentioned on the Vendor’s literature and one needs to be careful while reading through it. If a fragrance has respiratory issues and hormonal disruptors. Even if I am asked to make a specific fragranced candle, I never agree right away. Instead, I tell the person that I will look into it and decline if it includes any safety hazards. I ensure that even the jars I use do not have a Prop 65 warning. 

Recently, someone asked me if the candle vessels I use were food-grade or if I sold them empty. I was not sure, so I contacted my supplier to find out, and they confirmed that they were food-grade safe. I messaged the customer back and informed them that the vessels are foodgrade safe, but I do not sell them separately. This information made me feel even better about the products I am putting out in the world. If the materials you burn at home leech some type of chemical into the air, it can be harmful to your home. Knowing that all of my ingredients do not have a Prop 65 warning is crucial to me.

What are you currently working on? And what is your plan for the future? Do you have a new collection coming up? 

We are dedicated to always improving and innovating. We’re working on exciting developments to enhance the customer experience. Expect future releases with new scents, eco-friendly packaging, and possible collaborations, all advancing our commitment to clean luxury, quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. For 2024, I plan to reassess my customers’ preferences and gather more feedback to improve my product. I am considering creating sample packs to allow customers to try out various scents before committing to a full-sized candle. Additionally, I am currently exploring other possibilities to offer and promote eco-friendliness.

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Photo Credit: Ron Fernandez, RF Photography

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